Dr Vinni Hall Is the Ceo of the Art of Learning a Collaborative Resource Consultant Firm

our researchers

  • image of professor Vini Lander

    Professor Vini Lander

    Director Centre for Race, Pedagogy and Decoloniality / Carnegie School Of Education

  • Leeds Beckett Logo

    Heather Paul

    Lecturer / Carnegie Schoolhouse Of Education

  • Dr Shona Hunter

    Dr Shona Hunter

    Plan Director Research Degrees / Carnegie School Of Didactics

Professional person Associates

  • Amanpreet Ahluwalia

    Amanpreet Ahluwalia

    Author, Activist and Artist

  • professional associate shamim

    Shamim Ashraf

    Caput Teacher of a Maintained Nursey School

  • Rosemary CRED

Visiting Professors and Mail service Doctoral Fellows

André entered the college teaching sector for the first fourth dimension on a full-time professional person basis in October 2008 when he became the Director of the Transdisciplinary Plan at the University of Fort Hare. Betwixt 1996 and 2008, he worked in and with independent public institutions responsible for navigating the crucial transitional stage in South Africa's gimmicky history whilst too education office-time and on a visiting footing at universities across the land. Most of his post-1994 work focussed on processes aimed at deepening republic, social justice and the promotion and protection of human rights. Joining the South African Human Rights Committee in 1996, André later on became its Deputy Primary Executive Officer. On a unanimous recommendation from parliament, the president appointed André as a part-fourth dimension Commissioner to the Commission for Gender Equality in 2008.

His get-go professorial appointment was as an adjunct-professor at the University of Pretoria in 2009; followed past appointments at the Academy of Fort Hare in 2010 and the University of the Gratis Land (UFS) in 2011, as the Director of the Establish for Reconciliation and Social Justice and advisor to the Rectorate. He was too appointed for a curt period equally the Acting Vice-Rector: Educatee Affairs and External Relations at the UFS. Equally Director, and with the aid and support of assembly, staff and postdoctoral fellows, he managed the intellectual culture and inquiry outputs of the Institute to competitive levels.

André himself is a productive scholar and is widely published nationally and internationally, and has supervised and co-supervised more than 15 postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and masters students. This blueprint is existence sustained. He was and is involved in 12 scholarly editorships and has joined upwardly with Michael Cross at the Ali Mazrui Centre for Higher Instruction at the University of Johannesburg as joint editors of ii book series on higher education transformation; one national, and 1 international.

He is a frequently requested speaker with more than 40 keynotes, invited talks and prestige and special lectures backside his name; and has recently been offered the Marsha Lilien Gladstein Visiting Professor of Human Rights (Autumn, 2018) at the Human Rights Establish, University of Connecticut, Usa. He likewise received a Keynote and Chief Class invitation to the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture at Justus Leibig University in Germany.

André is presently the Chair for Critical Studies in Higher Didactics Transformation at NMU, the Chairperson of the Ministerial Oversight Committee on Transformation in South African Public Universities Fellow member of the Council on College Pedagogy, and Visiting Professor at the Centre for Race, Pedagogy and Decoloniality, Carnegie Schoolhouse of Pedagogy, Leeds Beckett University in the UK.

André is from Kylemore, a town shut to Stellenbosch in the Western Cape.

Dr. Anderson J. Franklin is the Honorable David South. Nelson Professor of Psychology and Instruction in the Department of Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology at Boston College Lynch School of Instruction and Professor Emeritus of The Metropolis College & Graduate Schoolhouse of The City Academy of New York. He is Director of the Nelson Chair Roundtable for Networking Community Based Programs.

In 2018 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the Nelson Mandela Academy in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Due south Africa and continues collaborations with them too every bit the Human Sciences Inquiry Council in Pretoria. He has recently received several commemorations for his civil rights legacy as a member of the "Richmond 34;" students arrested in Sit down-Ins that led to desegregation in Richmond and Virginia by an official State Historical Marker in Richmond, plus markers enshrined by The Metropolis of Richmond and Virginia Union University, his alma mater, and a resolution read into the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly minutes.

He writes and speaks about the well-being and condition of African American, and South African males in the African diaspora, also equally promotes University-Community Partnerships for coalition-building toward collective impact for in and out of school time wrap around interventions.

Professor Shirley Anne Tate is currently in the Sociology Department at the University of Alberta. She was Professor of Race and Teaching and founder Director of the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality (CRED) in the Carnegie Schoolhouse of Educational activity at Leeds Beckett Academy, UK. She is an Honorary Professor in the Centre of Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation (CriSHET) at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, a Visiting Professor in the Centre for Indigenous Research and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland and a Visiting Professor in CRED.

Her area of inquiry is Black diaspora and racism studies broadly and her inquiry interests are institutional racism, the body, impact, dazzler, 'race' performativity and Caribbean decolonial studies. Her research attends to the intersections of 'race' and gender.

Breitner holds a Available's caste in Social Sciences, a Master's and a Doctorate in Sociology from the University of Brasília. His Doctorate was funded past the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Programme (IFP). He also has a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley in Ethnic Studies, which was funded past the Fulbright Commission. He is currently Adjunct Professor III at the Academy of Brasília, Campus FCE, where he coordinates the Collective Health programme. He is also a fellow member of the Graduate Plan in Development, Social club and International Cooperation PPGDSCI. Recently, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Academy of Quilmes Argentina, funded past the Immature Researcher Santander Programme (01/2016 to 03/2016). His area of expertise is Sociological theory. He is a qualitative researcher and has conducted research on collective health, urban spaces and youth culture. His current research project is on homeless youth and urban sociabilities.

Doctoral students

Lack of autism awareness and insufficient knowledge of the disorder hinder early detection. Thus, Nigerian parents are faced with many challenges when it comes to educating their autistic children, as many of these children cannot access formal education. The overall aim of Balaraba's research is to explore parents' perceptions and experiences of barriers to inclusion and how these barriers influence their controlling processes in educating their autistic children.

I am an educational professional and ex-school leader who uses coaching equally a means of developing people'south agency to navigate and change organisational structures and to develop efficacy. I am currently researching relationships between schools, policy and race in the city of Bristol equally a manner to understand indigenous diversity of senior leadership teams in Bristol schools.

Lisa's research focuses on the leadership journeys of Black teachers from their entry to the instruction profession to their journeys to centre leadership posts (head of department or head of year) and into senior leadership (Assistant / Deputy / Headteacher). Her research will review the past and electric current climate of didactics policy and experiences of Black teachers from the 1970s to the nowadays day and examine the barriers that they faced also equally their successes on the journey to leadership - investigating the opportunities available, barriers to progression and whether these opportunities are sustained and doable.

Phoenix'due south research project explores the lived experiences of British Queeribbean women and the legacy of homophobia and racism in the UK regarding those who migrated from the Caribbean. Robert Taylor Jr's Queeribbean servers as both a personal identity marker and a descriptor of the places and spaces inhabited by LGBTQIA+ Caribbeans. Phoenix's project aims to further the soapbox surrounding the Black queer female body through interactions with and narrations from British women of Caribbean area descent.

Ethnic achievement at the end GCSEs in British schools, always attracts attention from a wider audition including government and business concern. GCSE results are a criterion for all future progression be information technology career, university or social ladder. Historically educational achievement of blackness boys has been under spotlight because they accept consistently lagged other indigenous groups. Unfortunately, black is treated as fluid and at nearly every bit two kinds of black (African & Caribbean). Instead at that place are many kinds of blackness situated in their nationalities and have different educational trajectories. This is the case for black Zimbabwean males.

Very little is known most the educational achievement of black Zimbabwean male who started their education in Zimbabwe and came to proceed in British schools. We accept found information technology difficult to runway the operation of black Zimbabwean males considering their number is thinly spaced and practise not form a statistic threshold. Thus, my inquiry focuses on black Zimbabwean males as a singled-out grouping inside the black underachievement soapbox. I will investigate their lived educational experiences as they transition in the British educational system.

This is a qualitative research, and data will be analysed informed by Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: The language game of black and achievement inside the black males underachievement soapbox. This research moves abroad from the notion of lumping students based broad ethnicity or pare colour. Information technology focuses on an style of alternative measuring achievement of black boys by adopting black situated in nationality (black Zimbabwean males).

Sixty years since the signing of the labour agreement between the Frg and the Republic of Turkey, with a population of around three million and beingness a well-studied group, what more can be learnt about integration from the Turkish German case? Using a family case study, applying positioning theory equally an analytical lens combined with an ethnic boundary making arroyo, how has integration been perceived across the generations? The multi-level nature of positioning theory finer links the complex levels of macro, meso and micro that shape integration experiences. Boundaries are established vis-à-vis customs of origin in order to position cocky as more integrated in the German context.

work with us

The Centre for Race, Didactics and Decoloniality aims to build a network of researchers, students, practitioners and activists to transform cognition, understanding and practice in relation to race and racism in education. The CRED team in the Carnegie School of Education see partners, professional assembly and practitioners as playing a central role in this transformation.

Nosotros work in collaboration with colleagues involved in the Story Makers Company to promote racially inclusive stories for children and immature people. Check out the work of Story Makers and let us know if you would like to work with us on aspects of decolonising the curriculum through stories or other means - get in affect.


Source: https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/research/centre-for-race-education-and-decoloniality/

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