what to do if parents refuse to pay for college

Deadbeat Parents Who Won't Assist Pay for Higher

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Lynn O'Shaughnessy

Deadbeat Parents Who Won't Aid Pay for College

I got an email over the weekend from a dad named Dan, who is darn proud of himself for making his children pay for their ain college instruction.

I don't retrieve he should exist congratulating himself. In fact, he should be worried that the federal government will notice what his family is doing to get taxpayers to underwrite his children's college degrees.

Dan was reacting to a postal service on my college blog that discussed the plight of  students whose parents refuse to pay for higher even if they can beget to help. The post mentioned parents who made $130,000, but who had saved just $8,000 for college so their twins were going to have to selection upwards the rest of the price. Here is that post:

Qualifying as an Contained Student

I don't know how much Dan makes, but he believes his kids — he'due south  got seven!! – should selection up their own tab. Here is office of his note:

Wah, wah, wah. The youngsters today await everything and cry if they don't go it. I expect my children to pay for their own college just like I did. Suck information technology up babies, you are not getting a costless ride to college, yous will actually need to piece of work your way through. "Piece of work", what a concept, you don't know what it means yet, but y'all will. And if you are paying for the books and the tuition mayhap you will realize that spending hard earned money on beer parties isn't smart, LOL.

Dan then goes on to say that ii of his children are in higher right now and they successfully claimed independent status. He had them piece of work for one year after high school, live at a different address and then employ equally independent students.

Here is what Dan wrote most his strategy:

It's non difficult or incommunicable for an 18 year old to be declared an independent as Lynn O'Shaughnessy, the author of that ridiculous commodity, has indicated. If y'all are out of loftier school, all y'all have to practise is "work" for minimum wage for one year and have a physical accost in your name for that yr and your parents can't take claimed you on their taxes. The FASFA and pin is sectional to the 18 year old who has been independent for the last 12 months. The 18 yr old will starting time college when he or she is 19 after having worked in the existent earth for one yr. The reason I know this, is because I have 2 of my vii children in higher right now equally independents and that is how it works. Lynn is giving inaccurate information, which is making all the youngsters cry. Shame on you Lynn

Information technology's Not Easy to Become an Independent Student

When filling out the FAFSA, the federal course asks numerous questions to decide if a child should be classified every bit an independent or dependent student. If the child isn't 24, married or a military veteran, the chances of being an independent pupil is just about nil. Moving out of the house and living independently, as Dan'south children are doing, is irrelevant. It too doesn't matter if the parents stopped challenge the students on their income revenue enhancement class. They are still dependents. It is a federal crime, by the way, to lie on the FAFSA.

If becoming an contained student was as easy every bit packing up the motorcar, moving into an apartment and supporting him or herself for a yr,  I'grand sure millions of students would try the same thing. Of course, if that happened taxpayers similar us would be basis the neb for deadbeat parents, who want others to pay for their children's college degree.

Qualifying as an independent student means that taxpayers are underwriting the college degree for Dan'southward children. Students who are considered independent only accept to use their own income to qualify for fiscal aid and most of the time that'southward going to exist quite depression. Low enough to authorize for federal and state grants and possibly institutional money from the schools themselves.

What It Takes to Authorize as an Independent Person

I've actually gotten three emails in the last few days from people who wondered if certain students could qualify as independent. Ane came from a sis and her husband who took in her 20-twelvemonth-old blood brother afterwards the parents, who earn a good living, refused to assistance with higher. They were wondering if the fellow would authorize as independent since he is living with them or if the pupil could use their lower earnings for fiscal aid purposes. Distressing, but that won't work.

How to Qualify Every bit an Contained Student

You accept to answer "yes" to at least one of these question to be considered an independent student:

  1. Are you at least 24 years old?
  2. As of today, are you married?
  3. At the offset of the 2012-2013 school year, will you be working on a master'due south or doctorate program (such as an MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, or graduate document, etc.)?
  4. Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training?
  5. Are yous a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?
  6. Practise you lot have children who will receive more than one-half of their support from you between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010?
  7. Do you lot have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than than one-half of their back up from you, now and through June 30, 2010?
  8. At whatsoever time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were y'all in foster care or were you lot a dependent or ward of the court?
  9. Are y'all, or were you lot an emancipated small-scale as adamant by a court in your state of legal residence?
  10. Are you, or were y'all in legal guardianship every bit determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
  11. At whatsoever time on or after July i, 2008, did your loftier school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  12. At whatever time on or after July 1, 2008, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing programme funded by the U.South. Department of Housing and Urban Development make up one's mind that yous were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  13. At whatsoever time on or after July one, 2008, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living plan determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless

Acquire More…

Acquire more than about my online form – The College Cost Lab – that will restart in June 2017. Taking the course is the best and fastest style to become a smart college shopper!


Source: https://thecollegesolution.com/deadbeat-parents-who-wont-help-pay-for-college/

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